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First time for Chinese debutantes (2)

By Xu Junqian  (China Daily)

15:42, January 15, 2013

Larissa Scotting, 17, from the UK, leads a group of young women in the "coming out" formalities during the first Shanghai International Debutante Ball. (China Daily/Gao Erqiang)

"Angela (Pei Yunshuo) - she is the kind of girl we Cantonese say comes from a stable and dependable family with a good education and good manners," says Zhou, who discovered the two women through "friend of friends" out of many of candidates.

The event is a good platform for the debutantes to make friends.

Liang says:"I think it helps to expand my circle - not in a general sense but help me meet people who share similar backgrounds and mutual understanding."

The 29-year-old Beijing native is studying international relations in Columbia University after four years in finance.

After spending a day doing all the fittings and photo shoots before the ball with the other 13 women, Liang tells China Daily she has "connected" with them.

Pei, who calls herself "a lousy user of social networks like Twitter and Weibo", says the event has enabled her to make friends. The 24-year-old is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

"Essentially, the ball is a party," Zhou says.

"It's fun. I can see happiness on the staffers' faces. Ultimately, I think we should promote anything that brings happiness."

Globally, the century-old tradition that originated from European aristocracy is transforming into high-class charity events with seats costing guests tens of thousands of dollars.

But Zhou's event is funded by her and sponsors, and is invitation-only. None of the proceeds go to charity.

"By restricting the event to 'by invitation only', I can make sure all the guests are decent," Zhou says.

She declines to reveal how much she spent on the event, but during a recent television interview, she said she would never sacrifice "elegance" or "style" to make the ball profitable.

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