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English>>Life & Culture

Backgrounder: New elements added onto UNESCO cultural list (2)


14:09, December 10, 2012

Cultural practices and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali, Burkina Faso and Cote d'Ivoire;

Falconry, a living human heritage in United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Syrian Arab Republic;

Fest-Noz, festive gathering based on the collective practice of traditional dances of Brittany in France;

Festival of Saint Francis of Assisi, Quidbo in Colombia;

Fiesta of the patios in Cordova in Spain;

Folk art of the Matyo, embroidery of a traditional community in Hungary;

Frevo, performing arts of the Carnival of Recife in Brazil;

Ichapekene Piesta, the biggest festival of San Ignacio de Moxos in Bolivia;

Klapa multipart singing of Dalmatia, in Croatia;

Marches of Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse in Belgium;

Mesir Macunu festival in Turkey;

Nachi no Dengaku, a religious performing art held at the Nachi fire festival in Japan;

Performance of the Armenian epic of 'Daredevils of Sassoun' or 'David of Sassoun' in Armenia;

Qalisuyan rituals of Mashad-e Ardehal in Kasan in Iran;

Rites and craftsmanship associated with the wedding costume tradition of Tlemcen in Algeria;

Schemenlaufen, the carnival of Imst, Austria in Austria;

Traditional violin craftsmanship in Cremona in Italy;

Traditional weaving of the Ecuadorian toquilla straw hat in Ecuador;

Venezuela's Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi in Venezuela;

Worship of Hung kings in Phu Tho in Vietnam;

Two programs, projects and activities for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage considered to best reflect the principles and objectives of the Convention:

Strategy for training coming generations of Fujian puppetry practitioners in China;

Xtaxkgakget Makgkaxtlawana, the Centre for Indigenous Arts and its contribution to safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the Totonac people of Veracruz, in Mexico.

【1】 【2】

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