
China, Egypt reaffirm commitment to strengthen strategic partnership

(Xinhua) 08:34, July 19, 2021

ALAMEIN, Egypt, July 18 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday held a meeting here with visiting China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during which both sides reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen the China-Egypt comprehensive strategic partnership.

Sisi asked Wang to convey his sincere regards to Chinese President Xi Jinping, while once again warmly congratulating the Communist Party of China (CPC) on the 100th anniversary of founding.

The Egyptian leader spoke highly of the miracles that the Chinese people have created one after another under the CPC leadership, which have also attracted worldwide attention.

Egypt regards China as a true friend and reliable partner, and will unswervingly and undisturbedly develop the bilateral cooperation in various fields, said Sisi.

Egypt will take the opportunity of celebrating the 65th anniversary of the diplomatic ties to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Egypt and China, he noted.

Sisi affirmed that Egypt unswervingly pursues the one-China policy, firmly supports China's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, security and stability, and strongly supports China's fight against terrorism and religious extremism.

Egypt supports the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), while hoping to boost cooperation with China in infrastructure, industrial parks, high technology and other fields, and become an important gateway for Chinese enterprises to enter the Middle East and Africa, said the Egyptian president.

Sisi thanked China for providing Egypt with the COVID-19 vaccines and helping his country produce the vaccines locally, adding that Egypt will continue to strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation with China.

Egypt is also willing to coordinate closely with China in jointly promoting regional peace and stability, he added.

For his part, Wang first conveyed President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings to Sisi.

The friendship between China and Egypt, which has stood the test of international circumstances, is unbreakable and firm as a rock, said Wang, adding that China highly appreciates Egypt for always standing with China on the issues concerning China's core interests and major concerns.

China also firmly supports Egypt in continuing to explore a development path suited to its national conditions, pursuing an independent policy, and making efforts to fight terrorism, maintain stability and de-radicalize extremists, said the Chinese senior diplomat.

China looks forward to working together with Egypt to build the China-Egypt community with a shared future, and turn the bilateral ties into a pioneering model for the China-Arab states and China-Africa communities with a shared future, said Wang.

Calling Egypt an important partner in building the BRI, Wang said that China is willing to strengthen the synergy between the BRI and Egypt's Vision 2030, help Egypt accelerate its pace of industrialization, enhance its scientific and technological capabilities, uplift its development level, and deepen the law enforcement and security cooperation to safeguard the common security of the two countries.

Wang pledged that China will continue providing vaccines and anti-epidemic materials to Egypt to help it eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic.

China is also ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Egypt in international affairs, jointly uphold and practice multilateralism, oppose unilateralism and bullying, and push forward the reform of global governance in the right direction, he said.

Wang expressed the hope that Egypt will continue to play an active role in the building of the China-Arab states Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

The two sides also exchanged views on regional issues in the Middle East and Africa.

During his visit to Egypt, Wang also held talks with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry, signed an agreement on the establishment of the Sino-Egyptian Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee, and attended a virtual ceremony marking the joint production of 1 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Egypt. 

(Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun)


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