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Last one standing: world's largest paper rhino displayed in Beijing (3)

By Jiang Jie (People's Daily Online)    16:34, December 16, 2016

The world's largest white rhino origami statue is on display in Beijing at the Henderson Shopping Center beginning Dec. 16. The 3.2-meter-tall, 6.2-meter-long paper rhino was made out of a 10x10-meter sheet of paper by Chinese artist Liu Tong and his team. The paper was folded more than 700 times. It will be on display at the shopping center until Jan. 10.

The exhibition of the rhino, along with 100 paper statues of humans, was organized by Liu's team and WWF&TRAFFIC wildlife trade programme to promote rhino protection. Human activity has drastically reduced the number of rhinos in the world. There are reportedly only three white northern rhinos left in the wild.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Web editor: Jiang Jie, Bianji)

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