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In pics: Padaung women with brass rings in Myanmar (10)

(Xinhua)    21:02, April 11, 2016

A Padaung woman with brass rings around her neck looks out of the window in Panpet Village, Demoso Township, Kayah State, Myanmar, April 11, 2016.

DEMOSO, April 11, 2016 -- A Padaung woman with brass rings around her neck looks out of the window in Panpet Village, Demoso Township, Kayah State, Myanmar, April 11, 2016. The brass rings are first applied when the Padaung girls are about eight years old and as the girl grows older, longer coils are added up to 24 or 25 rings. (Xinhua/U Aung)


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(Editor:Yuan Can,Bianji)

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