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Father commits suicide; mother spends 25 yrs searching for son (3)

(People's Daily Online)    13:24, February 23, 2016
Father commits suicide; mother spends 25 yrs searching for son
The 51-year-old Zhang Xue Xia.

Twenty-five years ago, Zhang Xuexia's 3-year-old son Zhizhi was kidnapped while he was playing by himself. Since then, she and her husband have spent many years looking for Zhizhi. However, Zhang's husband committed suicide on the third day of the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2006 due to depression after their fruitless 15-year search. He left a note saying: "I just want my son, Song Yanzhi."

Ten years after her husband's death, Zhang is still looking for Zhizhi. "Zhizhi, can you hear your mother? Have you had a girlfriend? How is everything going?"

In 2009, Zhang Xuexia learned how to go online and began to publish information about her missing son on the Internet. In 2012, Chen Shiqu, director of the anti-human trafficking department in the Ministry of Public Security, began to focus on the case. Local police also set up a special task force to investigate. 

Up till now, Zhang and her husband have left their footprints in nine provinces and 40 different cities. Zhang said she will keep looking for her son as long as she is alive.  


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(Editor:Liang Jun,Wu Chengliang)

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