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Tibet monks hail Living Buddha check system

(Xinhua)    20:21, January 29, 2016

LHASA, Jan. 29 -- A new Living Buddha verification system was welcomed by monks and Living Buddhas in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous

Region, who said it would ensure the authority and rights of verified living Buddhas and the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism.

The online system was launched on Jan. 18 to confirm the authenticity of Living Buddhas after a rise in the number of fraudulent Buddhas. It contains basic information on 870 verified Living Buddhas, the first group to be included in the system.

Fake Living Buddhas have been known to carry out illegal religious activities, swindle money, lure women, harming the reputation of the religion, said Wangqug, a monk from Mangkam County.

"Fake Living Buddhas also damage the image of Tibetan and Chinese culture," said Palden Donyu, vice president of the Tibet Buddhist Association.

The verification system will help reduce the immoral activities of fake Living Buddhas, he said.

With roots traceable to the 13rd century AD, the reincarnation of buddhas is a unique inheritance system in Tibetan Buddhism. Since 2010, the Buddhist Association of China (BAC) has issued certificates to living Buddhas.

Fake Living Buddhas should be punished while the public needs to know more about the Living Buddha system. In addition, monasteries should also improve the registration of monks, said Gyizhong, a Living Buddha from Qamdo City, Tibet.

Tubdian Drakpa, another Living Buddha, hailed the system.

"I checked my own information -- it all correct and covers all the basic things."

Tubdian Drakpa called for another function that would allow the public to report fake Living Buddhas.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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