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Futuristic: Smart Bracelet that Transforms Skin into Touchscreen (2)

By Shen Chen (People's Daily Online)    08:09, November 06, 2015
Futuristic: Smart Bracelet that Transforms Skin into Touchscreen

Futuristic: Smart Bracelet that Transforms Skin into TouchscreenA groundbreaking bracelet prototype has been developed by a French design company that aims to turn users’arms into touch screens. Called the Cicret Bracelet, the device, once being put on, can project a touch screen image onto the user’s arm.

The Bracelet features four technologies: projects with a low-angle; controllable with the fingers; works with bright daylight; works in any skin colors. The company claims that the Cicret Team is “the first one and only one in the world which succeeded to combine 4 technologies which create this groundbreaking wearable device”.

Users wearing the Bracelet may send or receive emails, browse the web, play games and answer incoming phone calls from pairing mobile devices -- all by just with a swipe on one’s arm.

The concept project, however, is still in the process of raising funds for its development. The company has pledged to start mass production and deliver the device towards the end of 2015 or the beginning of 2016, once they have the project financed. The bracelet is expected to cost between $199 to $399.


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(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)

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