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China condemns car bombing that killed at least 120 in Iraq

(Xinhua)    08:53, July 23, 2015

BEIJING, July 22 -- China on Wednesday condemned a car bombing in Iraq by the Islamic State group that killed at least 120 people.

China extends condolences to the victims and sympathy for their family as well as the injured, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang in a press release.

China firmly opposes any forms of terrorism and supports Iraqi government's effort in safeguarding national security and stability, said Lu.

On Friday, a car loaded with nearly three tons of explosives killed 120 people and injured another 170 in a crowded market in the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala. The attack took place ahead of this weekend's end of Ramadan festivities.

Islamic State extremists claimed responsibility for the deadliest attack in the country this year.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Qian,Yao Chun)

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