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English>>Foreign Affairs

14,000 Myanmar border residents flocking to China relocated

(Xinhua)    11:02, March 03, 2015

KUNMING, March 3 -- China has set up temporary settlements to relocate about 14,000 Myanmar border inhabitants who have fled to Yunnan Province following armed conflicts in the Kokang region of Myanmar since early February.

China has also provided food, medical and quarantine services to Myanmar residents, the information office of Yunnan's Lincang City government said in a statement Monday.

"Myanmar residents have made more than 60,000 cross-border trips for safety reasons since the armed conflicts broke out," according to the statement.

It said the Lincang municipal government had tightened border management.

No organization or individuals will be allowed to use Chinese territory to sabotage the China-Myanmar relationship and the stability in border areas, it said.

No Chinese citizens were found to be involved in the Kokang armed conflicts, it said.

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has launched attacks on several government outposts in Kokang since Feb. 9.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Yao Chun)

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