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60 years perseverance of the 'Lusheng king'

(People's Daily Online)    08:24, February 12, 2015
On Feb. 9, Liang Bingguang shows to her granddaughter how to play Lusheng. (Xinhua/Long Tao)

Lusheng is a musical instrument with multiple bamboo pipes, each fitted with a free reed, which are fitted into a long blowing tube made of hardwood. Lusheng is used primarily in the rural regions of southwestern China, where it is played by such ethnic groups as the Miao, Yao and Dong. Performers often dance or swing the instrument from side to side while playing. 75-year-old Liang Bingguang is a master of making Lusheng. He began to learn making Lusheng at the age of 12. In 2008, he made a Lusheng weighing 219.5 kilograms. Since then he was called the “Lusheng king”.


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(Editor:Zhang Yuan,Zhang Qian)

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