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Lancang's work of applying for tangible cultural heritage status makes steady progress

(People's Daily Online)    09:00, January 23, 2015

The Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, together with over 60 teachers and students from the College of Architectural Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University, has recently visited three traditional villages in Pu'er: Ancient Tea Plantations of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er, Mangjing Upper and Lower Villages, and Manghong, for early field surveys, mapping and data collection prior to dwelling rectification.

According to the teachers from the College of Architectural Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University, the visit is aimed to collect data on ancient dwellings, such as ancient dwellings' damage. After damage assessment and quantitative statistics, Pu'er will apply to the UN for the tangible cultural heritage status.

The work of applying for the tangible cultural heritage status for the Ancient Tea Plantations of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er has entered the final stage, with all work advanced in full swing. Besides, Jingmai Mountain is working on exploration of cultural relics to achieve the goal of application as soon as possible.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Du Mingming,Yao Chun)

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