Sat,Dec 20,2014

Editor's Pick

President Xi urges diversified, sustainable economic development in Macao

(Xinhua)    10:44, December 20, 2014
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MACAO, Dec. 20 -- President Xi Jinping on Saturday urged appropriately diversified and sustainable development in Macao at a gathering marking the 15th anniversary of Macao's return to China.

Noting rapid economic and social progress, Xi said, "Certain deep-seated problems formed over the years have surfaced, and development risks have built up to some extent."

"It is important for Macao to adopt a global, nationwide, future-oriented and long-term perspective, formulate appropriate plans and blueprints for its development and promote sound economic and social development," he said in a speech delivered at the Macao East Asian Games Dome.

The president stressed the necessity to make long-term planing, seize the opportunity of the national efforts to comprehensively deepen reform, and promote appropriately diversified and sustainable economic development in Macao based on its positioning as a global tourism and leisure hub and a service platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Qian,Bianji)
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