Sat,Dec 13,2014

Editor's Pick

LIVE: State memorial ceremony for Nanjing Massacre victims

(People's Daily Online)    09:25, December 13, 2014
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BEIJING, Dec. 13 (People's Daily Online) -- China holds its first National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims on Saturday.

Chinese President Xi Jinping joins survivors and relatives of victims of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre at a solemn ceremony to commemorate the over 300,000 people slaughtered by Japanese aggressor troops in that horrific page of history.

The event is of particular significance as the country that carried out the carnage 77 years ago is attempting to whitewash its dark past and gloss over its war-time atrocities.

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(Editor:Yao Chun,Huang Jin)
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