Mon,Oct 27,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Homemade racing car built by college students (13)

(People's Daily Online)    09:52, October 27, 2014
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Yu Kangsheng usually parks his car in the underground parking lot. He drives it from time to time, and does his own maintenance. (Iqilu/Zhang Wei)

"Ever since I was a kid I've loved all kinds of cars," says Liu Jin, the designer of a racing car. "After I went to college, I started to build my own racing car." After Liu came up with his idea, he soon got support from his classmates.

On Oct. 20th, 2014 journalists were shown two cool racing cars on the campus of University of Jinan. Yu Shengkang and Liu Jin were the designers. They are junior and senior students majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Automation. It took them about a year to design and build the two racing cars. Based on their livery, they have been christened "Steel Racing Car" and "Atom Racing Car". 


(Editor:Yao Xinyu、Liang Jun)
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