Fri,Sep 26,2014
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Xi'an Silk Road Intl Tourism Expo inaugurated (3)

(People's Daily Online)    15:21, September 26, 2014
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The three-day China Xi'an Silk Road International Tourism Expo 2014 kicked off in Xi'an, the starting point of the world-famous Silk Road, on September 19.

Tourism authorities and representatives from travel service providers and airlines from 32 countries including the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Germany, along with Chinese tourism authorities and businesses from 24 provinces and autonomous regions and municipalities under the Central Government, attended the exposition.

According to official statistics, the event attracted over 300 domestic and foreign buyers, over 1,000 representatives from tourism industry, and more than 4,000 participants engaged in the tourism industry, thereby becoming the largest new platform in history to enable international travel service providers scattered along the overseas portion of the Silk Road and domestic regions along the domestic portion to communicate and cooperation with each other. 


(Editor:Gao Yinan、Huang Jin)
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