Fri,Sep 5,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Woman executed for arson in E China

(Xinhua)    16:42, September 05, 2014
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HANGZHOU, Sept. 5 -- A 50-year-old woman in east China's Zhejiang Province was executed on Thursday for starting a fire that killed three firefighters in early 2013, local authorities said Friday.

Investigations found that Li Lijuan, a former worker of Hangzhou Yusei Machinery Co., Ltd., guilty of arson after she set fire to a warehouse on Jan. 1, 2013 . The fire led to the death of three young firefighters attempting to extinguish the flames, according to the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court.

Li, a local in Hangzhou City, started the fire using a lighter and boxes as revenge for a recent work adjustment, according to the court.

The fire also caused economic losses of more than 60 million yuan (9.7 million U.S. dollars).

(Editor:Kong Defang、Zhang Qian)
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