Sat,Aug 16,2014

In pictures: Jasenovac Memorial Site Memorial Museum (14)

(Xinhua)    14:26, August 16, 2014
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A handout photo from Jasenovac Memorial Museum taken in Stara Gradiska Concentration camp in 1942 shows ill children in an attic room. Children were from the Kozara region in Bosnia-Herzegovina and detained in Stara Gradiska Concentration camp. The Jasenovac Memorial Site Memorial Museum was opened in 1968 close to the original site of former Ustasha-run concentration camp. Innumerable Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, Croats, and others have lost their lives in the notorious death camp from 1941 until 1945. (Xinhua/Jasenovac Memorial Museum Archive)


(Editor:Zhang Qian、Bianji)

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