Sat,Aug 16,2014

In pictures: Jasenovac Memorial Site Memorial Museum (12)

(Xinhua)    14:26, August 16, 2014
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A handout photo from Jasenovac Memorial Museum taken in Stara Gradiska concentration camp, part of the Jasenovac concentration camp in 1942 shows children standing in the courtyard of the camp. Children were from the Kozara region in Bosnia-Herzegovina and detained in Stara Gradiska Concentration camp. The Jasenovac Memorial Site Memorial Museum was opened in 1968 close to the original site of former Ustasha-run concentration camp. Innumerable Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, Croats, and others have lost their lives in the notorious death camp from 1941 until 1945. (Xinhua/Jasenovac Memorial Museum Archive)


(Editor:Zhang Qian、Bianji)

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