Milosevic Celebrates 60th Birthday With Family in Prison
Slobodan Milosevic spent his 60th birthday in prison Monday, unwrapping presents with his wife and family at the U.N. detention center outside The Hague, court officials said.
Milosevic's wife, Mirjana Markovic, arrived in the Netherlands Saturday on a three-day visa accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Milica Gajic, grandson Marko and the family's lawyer, Dragoslav Ognjanovic.
Court spokesman Jim Landale said Monday's visit was supervised by tribunal officials like any normal visit. The family sat in the same room, unlike during Markovic's previous visit in July when the couple was separated by a glass wall. But the family was forbidden from bringing him a cake.
Greetings were sent by supporters in Belgrade and other capitals, but the Yugoslav media made no mention of the birthday.
Russia's Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov also sent a telegram, condemning the tribunal as an illegal arm of the NATO alliance.
Slobodan Milosevic spent his 60th birthday in prison Monday, unwrapping presents with his wife and family at the U.N. detention center outside The Hague, court officials said.