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Tuesday, June 05, 2001, updated at 08:19(GMT+8)

Sri Lanka, India to Form Committee for Inquiry of Fishermen Issue

Sri Lanka and India have agreed to set up a special committee to look into the problems of fishermen who are currently in custody in the two countries, a government minister said on Monday.

Sri Lanka's Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic resources Development Mahinda Rajapakse, who returned from a visit to India on Monday, said the committee will comprise fisheries officials from Madras, an Indian city and Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka.

The decision to establish the committee was made following his discussions with Indian agricultural minister and other officials, he added.

The committee will especially address problems regarding fishing beyond the oceanic borders of each country and ensure speedy inquiries into cases regarding detained fishermen.

The Indian government has responded favorably to Sri Lanka's proposal to grant a general amnesty to fishermen detained in both countries, Rajapakse said.

He said Indian officials had requested his government to inform them officially of the proposal to release the fishermen.

It is reported that there are 62 Sri Lankan fishermen in custody of Indian police while 39 Indian fishermen are being held at the Jaffna prison in the north of the war-torn country.

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Sri Lanka and India have agreed to set up a special committee to look into the problems of fishermen who are currently in custody in the two countries, a government minister said on Monday.

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