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Saturday, June 02, 2001, updated at 09:44(GMT+8)

Colombian Vice President Starts China Tour

Colombian Vice President Gustavo Bell Lemus arrived in Shenzhen Friday, beginning an eight-day official visit to China.

The vice president met Friday with Li Decheng, vice mayor of Shenzhen, a coastal city neighboring Hong Kong.

Li briefed the guest of the latest social and economic development of Shenzhen.

The vice president said that the rapid development of Shenzhen shows the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people, and that Colombian businesses are willing to promote cooperation with Chinese enterprises so as to expand bilateral friendly relations.

He also toured an exhibition on the achievements of the city and a computer company in the city.

The vice president is visiting China at the invitation of Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao.

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Colombian Vice President Gustavo Bell Lemus arrived in Shenzhen Friday, beginning an eight-day official visit to China.

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