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Sunday, March 04, 2001, updated at 13:44(GMT+8)

China Nearly Completes Amending of Administrative Rules According to WTO Rules

China has almost completed the amending of its administrative rules in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Chinese government's commitments to the organization, a spokesman for the upcoming Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress said Sunday.

Spokesman Zeng Jianhui told a press conference that China's State Council has approved amendments to 140 foreign trade statutes, and is ready to abolish 570 other administrative regulations.

Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules are also being drafted, the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Chinese legislators have adopted amendments to laws on patent, customs, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises and joint ventures.

Amendments to the Copyright Law and Trademark Law are being deliberated, while laws on anti-trust, foreign trade and import and export commodities inspection will be drafted, the spokesman said.

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China has almost completed the amending of its administrative rules in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Chinese government's commitments to the organization.

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