Wednesday, February 28, 2001, updated at 13:24(GMT+8)
Chilean President Rejects US Human Rights Report
Chilean President Ricardo Lagos Escobar Tuesday dismissed a report on his country's human rights record by the US State Department as "inappropriate."
"The international organization as the United Nations should be responsible for the issues, no country has the right to give marks for all of the world," said the president, adding that no country can evaluate other country's human rights unilaterally.
"I don't know what the United States will think about if the Chilean government made a report on other countries' human rights, including those of the USA," the website page of the local newspaper "El Mercurio" quoted Lagos as saying.
The report, issued on Monday on human rights conditions worldwide in the year 2000, censured the Chilean police for their actions in disputes with Indian residents in the Andean nation, a charge repeatedly rejected by the Chilean authorities.
On the same say, Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza also rejected the US report, saying that the human rights situation in Chile is constantly improving, not as serious as what was described in the report.