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Monday, January 15, 2001, updated at 16:53(GMT+8)

Tibetan Herbal Medicines Coming Down From the Roof of the World

Tibetan traditional herbal medicines are getting more and more popular both at home and abroad £¬as cctv on line reports.

The China Business Times is reporting that the Tibetan herbal medicine industry has a annual yearly output value of over US$2.5 billion.

The paper says many major cities in the country have set up hospitals specialising in Tibetan medicine£¬ and patients from more than 30 countries have recieved the treatment.

It says China has also set up a number of research centres for Tibetan medicine and a complete training system has been developed to train more specialists.

The paper says in order to fully develop Tibetan medicine£¬ several local governments are looking for foreign investment.

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Tibetan traditional herbal medicines are getting more and more popular both at home and abroad £¬as cctv on line reports.

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