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Sunday, October 08, 2000, updated at 12:15(GMT+8)

Premier Zhu Plans Televised Town Meeting in Japan

Premier Zhu Rongji will have a televised town meeting with a select group of 100 Japanese when he visits Japan this week, local media reported on Sunday.

Zhu, who will visit Japan from Thursday through October 17, will sit for the televised town meeting on national network TBS in a one-hour special broadcast.

The format of the broadcast copies the town meeting US President Bill Clinton had with the network two years ago, the reports said.

Zhu will talk directly to Japanese people about the relations between China and Japan.

The show will be taped and broadcast later in the day. (Source:

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Premier Zhu Rongji will have a televised town meeting with a select group of 100 Japanese when he visits Japan this week, local media reported on Sunday.

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