Arafat: New Palestinian-Israeli Summit Possible Late August
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said another US-sponsored Palestinian-Israel peace summit will possibly be held after August 14, the official Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported on Monday.
Replying to a question about a possible new-round Camp David summit, Arafat, who arrived here on Sunday night from Libya as part of a tour to rally support, said US President Bill Clinton has raised the possibility of holding a new summit after the Democratic National Convention, which will open on August 14 in Los Angeles.
Arafat told the agency after his arrival here that the Palestinian side is still trying to hold an Arab or Islamic summit or even call a meeting for the Jerusalem Committee.
The palestinian leader also stressed that the the Arab-Islamic position on Jerusalem and support for the Palestinian negotiator were "strong and clear".
Commenting on Clinton's recent remarks on shifting the US embassy to Jerusalem, Arafat said, " we must take into our account the current presidential elections campaigns in the US"
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said another US-sponsored Palestinian-Israel peace summit will possibly be held after August 14, the official Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported on Monday.