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Monday, July 24, 2000, updated at 14:42(GMT+8)

World Fabric Show to Be Staged in HK in October

A comprehensive selection of the latest fabric and garment accessories from around the world will be staged at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center from October 25 to 27.

Over 450 companies and exhibitors from 20 countries have confirmed their group participation at the Interstoff Asia Autumn 2000, according to organizers of the international fabric show.

The show will play host to the fourth presentation by the directions trend committee, a group of trend forecasting talents sprung from the epicenters of world fashion - New York, Milan and Tokyo.

Using a broad cross-section of exhibitor fabric, New York agency "Here & There" will highlight the colors, yarns and textures that they predict will be seen on the fashion catwalks and in the clothes stores next year.

"we believe that the far east is a viable market place for growth, and feel that it is time for the Asian market to realize that fashion is international," said Kai Chow, president of the company and chief designer for the show.

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A comprehensive selection of the latest fabric and garment accessories from around the world will be staged at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center from October 25 to 27.

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