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Thursday, June 29, 2000, updated at 16:56(GMT+8)

AMD Introduces New Processor to China

The US-based Advanced Micro Devices Corp. (AMD), one of the largest supplier of integrated circuits in the world, Thursday introduced its new AMD Duron processor to China.

The new processor for personal computers encompasses basic functions such as word processing, sending or receiving e-mails, managing personal finances, and surfing the Internet, according to a press release reaching on June 29.

Leading computer manufacturers worldwide such as Compaq, Fujitsu-Siemens, HP, and IBM, have announced plans to offer AMD Duron processor-based systems, it said.

"The AMD Duron processor has outstanding performance and is reasonably priced to benefit consumers in China," it quoted Thomson Chan, Marketing Director of AMD Asia Pacific, as saying.

AMD opened its Suzhou Assembly Plant last year and will continue its commitment to the China market, he said.

AMD is a global supplier of integrated circuits for the personal and network computer and communication markets. Founded in 1969, AMD had a business turnover of US$ 2.9 billion in 1999.

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The US-based Advanced Micro Devices Corp. (AMD), one of the largest supplier of integrated circuits in the world, Thursday introduced its new AMD Duron processor to China.

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