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Tuesday, June 27, 2000, updated at 16:14(GMT+8)

Chinese Vice Premier Meets With UN Secretary-General

Chinese Vice Premier Meets With UN Secretary-General
Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wen Jiabao met Monday with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

During the meeting, Wen conveyed greetings by Chinese President Jiang Zemin and other leaders to Annan and said that he welcome the UN chief to visit China again.

Annan told Wen to convey his greetings to President Jiang and other Chinese leaders. He said that he was expecting his visit to China and talks with Chinese leaders in the later half of this year.

Wen is in Geneva to participate the 24th special session of the UN General Assembly, which began in the Palais des Nations on Monday. He told Annan that the UN had made a lot of active efforts in achieving the internationally agreed goals since the 1995 World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, Denmark.

He also briefed the UN chief on the measures taken and achievements made by China since the social summit five years ago.

He pledged that China would strengthen its continuous cooperation with the UN and share successful experiences with other UN members in order to make contributions to the mutual development of the whole humanity.

Annan said that he welcome Wen and his delegation to attend the special session on social development. He spoke highly of China's achievements in economic growth and social development, saying that China had set up an example in implementing follow-up action plans of the Copenhagen social summit.

Also on Monday, Wen and his entourage met with President of the World Economic Forum Klause Schwab.

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Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wen Jiabao met Monday with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

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