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Monday, June 26, 2000, updated at 10:44(GMT+8)

China's Saving Deposit Continues to Grow

China's money supply amounted to 12.412 trillion yuan by the end of April, up steadily from the previous month, with savings continuing to post positive growth.

Latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) show that currency in circulation at the end of April stood at 1. 3676 trillion yuan, up from the February figure of 1.3235 trillion yuan.

Demand deposits, according to the March-end statistics, grew from 3.1923 trillion yuan in March to 3.2644 trillion yuan, and time deposits increased from 987.8 billion to 1.0202 trillion yuan.

Savings deposits, at the same time, reached 6.2536 trillion yuan, up from 6.2492 trillion in the previous month, while other deposits went up 1.2 billion yuan to 506.4 billion yuan on a monthly basis.

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China's money supply amounted to 12.412 trillion yuan by the end of April, up steadily from the previous month, with savings continuing to post positive growth.

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