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Monday, June 19, 2000, updated at 16:56(GMT+8)

Beijing Ensures Safer Environment for Schools

Police in this Chinese capital have launched a massive campaign to ensure a safe environment for schools.

The police have focused their efforts on inspecting buildings near schools to uncover criminal suspects living in such areas, while banning 326 entertainment venues and 203 illegal electronic game parlors.

With aid from the police, most schools in Beijing have set up their prevention systems so as to reduce the occurrence of on- campus crimes and accidents.

Traffic control authorities have stepped up their efforts to rectify the chaotic traffic near some schools, towing away automobiles for illegal parking and instituting more traffic signs to better guide the traffic in such areas.

The city's fire control authorities also launched a series of activities on campus aimed at increasing the students' awareness of fire safety.

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Police in this Chinese capital have launched a massive campaign to ensure a safe environment for schools.

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