Securities trading via the Internet accords with the trend of international securities market to further promote market transparency and meet various patterns of demands by investors and China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) supports the carrying out of net securities trading, according to an official.
Zhou Xiaochuan, chairman of CSRC said in a recent interview that application of information technology has been posing a significant and in-depth impact on information environment, organization structure, operating mode and competitive pattern of the securities market.
The official noted that rapid development of securities trading via the Internet has not only liberated investors from having to conduct securities trading at fixed places but has also reduced trading cost. This means, he said, securities trading via the Internet has a fairly bright future.
Zhou also stressed that it will be another important component to develop securities trading via the Internet for China's securities companies to better face fierce competition.
Companies in connection with securities trading should attract more talents for further application of technologies in connection with the Internet, and strictly abide by current laws and regulations, Zhou added.
Securities trading via the Internet accords with the trend of international securities market to further promote market transparency and meet various patterns of demands by investors and China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) supports the carrying out of net securities trading, according to an official.