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Friday, May 05, 2000, updated at 18:19(GMT+8)

Xiamen University to Focus on Chinese

Xiamen University is one of China's top colleges and famous amongst overseas Chinese. The university will strengthen studies on the Taiwan issue and cross-strait exchanges will be promoted, according to reports.

Wang Haojie, Party Secretary of Xiamen University lately said that :"Xiamen University has unique geographic advantages. It sits cross from Taiwan. Many Chinese in Southeast Asia were originally from Fujian. We'll use these unique resources to the advantage of developing the university."

Every year, a large number of students from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao attend the university. Overseas Chinese also make up a big part of the student body.

Two of the university's affiliated institutions are nationally renowned. These are the Centre for Taiwan Studies and the Centre for Southeast Asia Studies. The Taiwan centre was the first institute on the mainland devoted solely to study of issues related to the island province. And it is now one of the most authoritative.

Meanwhile, the University is planning a new campus for Zhangzhou, a major inland city in Fujian province. Construction will start this year and take three years. When it opens, the new campus is expected to enrol ten thousand students.

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Xiamen University is one of China's top colleges and famous amongst overseas Chinese. The university will strengthen studies on the Taiwan issue and cross-strait exchanges will be promoted, according to reports.

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