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Friday, April 28, 2000, updated at 09:45(GMT+8)

State Councilor Meets Siemens Vice-President

Wang Zhongyu, state councilor and secretary-general of the State Council, met with Gunther Goth, vice-president of Germany's Siemens Thursday.

Wang, who is also president of the National School of Administration, congratulated Siemens on its signing of two memorandums of understanding with the Chinese Ministry of Personnel and the National School of Administration on personnel training, saying this marks a milestone in the company's cooperation with China.

Wang said Siemens has cooperated with China not only in the realm of economy, but personnel training sector as well. Wang expressed the hope that further cooperation will bear fruit in the future.

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Wang Zhongyu, state councilor and secretary-general of the State Council, met with Gunther Goth, vice-president of Germany's Siemens Thursday.

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