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Monday, April 24, 2000, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)

Chongqing to Build China's First Inland Ocean Park

Chongqing, the largest metropolis in western China, is building the first inland ocean park in the country.

The ocean park will occupy 100,000 square meters in the new district of northern Chongqing and include halls displaying undersea life in artificial seawater. The project is expected to cost around 300 million yuan (about 40 million U.S. dollars). The first phase, which will include a beach scenery area, children's playground, and waterworld will be opened to visitors this July.

Construction of exhibition halls for dolphins will be completed at the end of this year and halls for marine animals, and marine science exhibits are scheduled to be completed in 2001 and 2002.

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Chongqing is building the first inland ocean park in the country.

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