Chinese people have been advised to undergo cancer check-ups before the age of 30 as more and more young people are becoming susceptible to the killer disease. The high-risk age group for malignant tumors such as the stomach cancer and esophagus is between 35 and 40, about 10 years younger than previously, according to specialists with the Chinese Academy of Medical Science.
Cancer claimed the lives of 1.26 million people in major cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenyang last year, one fourth of whom were between 40 and 50 years old, according to Workers' Daily.
The doctors blame the lack of early diagnosis as major cause of the high death rate in China, and point out that prevention, health education, and early diagnosis have played a leading role in the decline of cancer rates in the United States for the past decade.
To explain why Chinese shun cancer diagnosis, the experts said that young people are usually blindly confident that they will not get the disease, while older people are unnecessarily afraid of being diagnosed with cancer.
In fact, increasing pressure from social changes, environmental pollution, and unhealthy eating habits and life styles are all risk factors for cancer, they warned.
Chinese people have been advised to undergo cancer check-ups before the age of 30 as more and more young people are becoming susceptible to the killer disease.