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Friday, January 28, 2000, updated at 19:43(GMT+8)
Culture Presents Given to Macao SAR To Be on Display

The presents given to the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) by the governments of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China's mainland areas and the Hong Kong SAR government will be put on show for the public beginning from Friday, a local official said Thursday.

The presents have been laid well in the hall where China and Portugal held a ceremony for Macao's power transfer over a month ago. Local residents and tourists will be able to view the precious presents till March 28, said Fernando Chui Sai On, secretary for social and cultural affairs of the Macao SAR government, who showed a group of media representatives around the hall.

He noted that in the course of the two-month exhibition, specialists will make their fullest consideration about the future arrangement of the presents and the hall which was constructed as a temporary one.

In the meantime, a photo exhibition featuring Macao's power transfer ceremony will be held in the rooms beside the main hall.

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