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Monday, January 17, 2000, updated at 08:43(GMT+8)
Education More Guangxi Children Benefit From "Project Hope"

More than 40,000 rural children who dropped out of school have returned to classrooms in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China thanks to the implementation of "Project Hope".

"Project Hope," which was first launched in October 1989, is a nationwide educational project to help mainly school dropouts in outlying, poverty-stricken areas resume their schooling.

In the past 10 years, the autonomous region has received over 120 million yuan (14.5 million US dollars) cash donations for the project.

"Project Hope" has sent 80,000 local children back to school. According to official statistics, some 725 of them are now studying in colleges or universities.

The donations have also helped the Guangxi Autonomous Regional Government to set up 448 Project Hope Primary Schools and help purchase all kinds of essential school facilities and equipment.

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