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Wednesday, January 12, 2000, updated at 11:28(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech Agricultural Modernization Closer in Tianjin

Agricultural modernization is most likely to become a reality in Tianjin, a major port city in north China, by the year 2010, according to a meeting on agriculture held here recently.

Information from the meeting showed that last year's gross domestic product (GDP) for the rural population of Tianjin hit 12,300 yuan (about 1,500 US dollars) per person, and the annual income reached 4,000 yuan (about 480 US dollars) per person. These figures stand as the city's best record ever, and rank first in this category in the country.

After hearing from experts who researched the situation, the city government decided that now is the time to further boost the city's agriculture sector.

So far, almost all the counties operating under the city have made detailed development plans suited to their conditions.

Tianjin's modernization drive will focus on using agricultural technology, updating livestock breeding methods, and improvement of processed farm products which have higher added value. (Xinhua)

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