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Saturday, January 01, 2000, updated at 10:09(GMT+8)
World Putin Reaffirms to Continue Russian Foreign Policy

Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin reaffirmed late Friday that he will continue Russian foreign policy implemented by ex-President Boris Yeltsin.

"Russia will not change its foreign course and will continue to develop the armed forces and implement military reform, laying the emphasis on both modern weapons and the solution of social problems," Putin said at an extended meeting of the Russian Security Council in the Kremlin.

Putin asked those present to keep them working, adding that "Russia's foreign political line will not change" and that Moscow would be striving for equal rights, mutually beneficial cooperation and a mutlipolar world.

Speaking to the directors of the country's special services, he called on them to go on doing their work as insistently and energetically as before.

"You received a good assessment by Russia's first president. I would like you to go on working in the same manner," said Putin.

In his speech to directors of legal structures, he said it was necessary to strengthen state power.

Putin urged toughening of the control of law and order and prevention of violations of the Constitution, especially in the run-up to the presidential election.

He also said it was necessary to give all candidates equal opportunities.

Russian first deputy prime ministers Viktor Khristenko and Nikolai Aksyonenko as well as chiefs of all the state's legal structures attended the meeting. (Xinhua)

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