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Tuesday, December 28, 1999, updated at 10:29(GMT+8)
China Legal System Lecture for Legislators

Members of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC) attended a lecture on China's administrative law system in the Great Hall of the People on December 27.

Professor Ying Songnian with the State Administrative College, also a member of NPC's Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee, addressed the group. He explained the scope of Administrative law, and the system related to administrative organic law, administrative act law and administrative supervision law.

The lecture is the twelfth of its kind for the NPC Standing Committee. China's top legislator Li Peng presided over the lecture and also spoke to the committee.

He noted that administration by law is necessary for a country' s rule of law, and the administrative law is essential if administration is to be practiced according to law.

The Ninth NPC Standing Committee has been committed to making laws for civil servants, administrative licence, administrative fee-collecting and administrative enforcement measures, he said.

Li also called on the staff working in administrative departments to strictly observe administration by law and the NPC at all levels to strengthen their supervision of administrative departments.

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