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Tuesday, December 28, 1999, updated at 10:29(GMT+8)
China One-third of Chinese Farmers' Annual Income is from Township Enterprises

One-third of Chinese farmers' annual income comes from township enterprises, Jiang Chunyun, vice chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee made this remark on December 27, while addressing a forum on Township Enterprise Law, which went into effect three years ago.

He said that township enterprises have become the pillar industry of rural Chinese economy, and are playing a vital role in promoting the urbanization and modernization of rural China.

Jiang pointed out that the law has made an important contribution to the sustained, sound development of China's township industries.

The vice chairman said that township enterprises need legal protection in order to grow, and their business operations must be regulated and standardized by the law.

Minister of Agriculture Chen Yaobang said at the forum that China's township industries have entered a new stage centered on quality.

He suggested that in the year 2000, the NPC Standing Committee should place on its agenda supervision of the enforcement of the law, in a bid to ensure localities and related departments improve the lawful management of township industries.

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