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Tuesday, December 14, 1999, updated at 10:03(GMT+8)
Sci-Tech Throat Cancer Patients Can Still Speak After Operations

Throat cancer patients are still able to talk after having their throats removed because of a new technology developed by medical experts led by two professors at the No. 2 Hospital Affiliated with Harbin Medical Sciences University.

Associate Professor Guo Huamin and Professor Jin Dejun developed the technology two years ago, which can restore the function of the epiglottis and throat by connecting the jugular flap with the end of the tongue and trachea.

So far, 24 such patients in this hospital are speaking normally after their operations, hospital officials said.

Clinical experiments have shown that the success rate for this procedure is 100 percent, and patients can resume speaking a week after the operation.

Medical experts note that this technology has many advantages over the "voice button input", now used widely in foreign countries, which causes patients pain and inconvenience as the button have to be changed regularly. (Xinhua)

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