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Tuesday, December 14, 1999, updated at 14:29(GMT+8)
Culture Bamboo-Processing Sector Shoots Up In E. China

East China's Zhejiang Province is the fourth-largest bamboo grower in China, but is number one in the country in bamboo processing, an industry generating 5.5 billion yuan (664 million US dollars) a year in output value.

The bamboo-growing in the province has reached 626,666 hectares, laying a good foundation for the booming of bamboo-processing industry locally.

The province now has developed eight categories of some 2,000 bamboo-related products, which are selling well both at home and overseas.

Zhejiang produce's fresh bamboo shoots in all seasons to serve people locally as well as in the neighboring big cities of Shanghai and Nanjing, and even export bamboo to Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK) and many southeast Asia countries and regions.

Zhejiang is now home to more than 2,000 enterprises engaged in the production of bamboo boards, floors, mats, and arts and crafts, and other bamboo-related high value-added items.

Anji County in Zhejiang, China's largest grower of bamboo for commercial use, has set up more than 1,200 bamboo-processing enterprises in recent years, with a total output value of 1.6 billion yuan (nearly 200 million US dollars) annually.

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