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Tuesday, December 14, 1999, updated at 14:29(GMT+8)
Culture Ludwig-Donated Artwork on Show in Shanghai

An exhibition of art donated to China by the late German collector Peter Ludwig and his wife, Irene, has been attracting an increasing number of Chinese visitors since it opened in Shanghai on December 5.

The 89 works were created by 82 of the world's most famous artists, including four paintings by Pablo Picasso, which are said to be China's first Picassos.

Local artists say this exhibit is providing Chinese artists and viewers with a good opportunity to understand and study Western culture and art.

The Ludwigs donated numerous artworks to many countries, including Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, and Russia.

They made the donation to China in 1996 and the Beijing-based China Art Gallery has set up a special hall for these works.

The Shanghai exhibition will end on January 5 next year.

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