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Saturday, December 11, 1999, updated at 15:06(GMT+8)
China Chinese President Meets Uruguayan Vice-President

Chinese President Jiang Zemin met with Vice-President of Uruguay and President of theUruguayan National Congress Hugo Fernandez Faingold in Beijing on December 10.

Jiang said that Sino-Uruguayan relations have had a smooth development since the two forged diplomatic ties 11 years ago and China is happy to see the growth of relations between China and the Latin American countries over the past years.

He expressed the belief that Faingold's current visit will enhance bilateral links.

Faingold said he is happy to see the rapid growth of China's economy, and Uruguay hopes to boost exchange and cooperation with China in the process of economic globalization.

He expressed the conviction that bilateral cooperation will realize constant achievements through the joint effort of both sides.

Faingold arrived here this afternoon for an official visit through December 15 at the invitation of Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao.

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