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Tuesday, December 07, 1999, updated at 09:21(GMT+8)
China President Jiang, Jordanian King Discuss Bilateral Relations

Chinese President Jiang Zemin held talks with Jordanian King Abdullah II Bin Al- Hussein, and exchanged views on bilateral relations and international issues of common concern.

Jiang said that it is important for the two countries to define the strategic development course for their relations in the 21st century based on a comprehensive study of their friendship and cooperation since forming diplomatic ties.

"Your visit is providing a good opportunity for that," Jiang said.

King Abdullah II, who arrived in Beijing earlier today for a three-day state visit to China, said that he was very happy to have this opportunity to visit China again. He noted that the late King Hussein had established a deep friendship with the Chinese leadership and people, adding that his visit aims to further push forward Jordan-China friendship and cooperation.

Jiang pointed out that cooperation has been successful in politics, economics, trade, culture and other fields since the establishment of diplomatic relations 22 years ago, and said that the Chinese government is eager to advance its relations with Jordan and hopes to bring a long-standing bilateral friendly relationship of cooperation to the 21st century.

Jiang put four proposals to the Jordanian king, saying it is imperative to underline the importance of developing bilateral relations from a strategic and historical perspective, and the two countries should increase high-level visits and exchanges at all levels in order to promote mutual understanding and cooperation.

The two sides should strengthen contacts between economic and trade sectors and entrepreneurs, and set up various forms of economic and trade relations, Jiang said.

Jordan, as an influential country in the Middle East, and China, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, both are developing countries, and they should increase consultation and coordination on the international issues, work together to safeguard the rights and interests of developing countries, and try to establish a new international order that is both politically and economically reasonable.

The Jordanian king agreed to Jiang's proposals, saying that his country is proud of having friendly relations with China, and bilateral political relations have been continuously strengthened. Enormous potential exists for economic and trade cooperation, the king said.

Jordan hopes for expanded cooperation between the two countries, the king stressed.

He also said that both he and the Jordanian government will continue to follow the "one China" policy. King Abdullah II congratulated China on Hong Kong's smooth return, and wished Macao a smooth return to the motherland.

President Jiang expressed his appreciation for the Jordanian leadership and government's adherence to the "one China" policy over the past years, and said that the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland is an important step forward to the complete reunification of China.

Jiang said that although China and Jordan are located in the east and west sides of Asia respectively, their peoples have friendly feelings for each other. He added that China is happy to see remarkable achievements made by the Jordanian government and people under the leadership of the late King Hussein in safeguarding national sovereignty, maintaining social stability, developing national economy and improving people's standard of living.

Jiang praised King Abdullah II for carrying forward his father' s will, and his ability to deal with his new role and rule the country, which has won support from the Jordanian people.

"We believe that the Jordanian government and people, under the leadership of King Abdullah II, will make even greater progress in national construction," Jiang said.

The Jordanian king said that the Third World pays close attention to China's position and influence in the international arena, and China plays an important role in maintaining regional stability and following the Five Principles of Peaceful Co- existence.

He also praised China for its success in economic reform, which has been a significant contribution in the international economic arena, particularly in promoting the growth of the Asian economy.

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