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Tuesday, November 23, 1999, updated at 09:31(GMT+8)
Culture Chinese Calligrapher to Write Largest Character

A Chinese calligrapher plans to write a giant Chinese character for the word "dragon," which may be the world's largest at 999 square meters.

Sun Xin, from east China's Shandong Province, will use a huge brush pen and barrels of ink to write his "dragon" on November 23 morning at Tiananmen Square, an official with the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC) said here today at a press briefing.

"We want to show our happiness at embracing Macao's upcoming return to the motherland," the CFLAC official said.

Chinese people traditionally favor calligraphy, and the coming new year will be the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese lunar calendar, so this will combine two Chinese traditions to celebrate Macao's return.

A business from northeastern Heilongjiang Province supported Sun's endeavor with a specially made and very large square of red silk upon which the calligrapher will inscribe the character.

The "dragon" will also be shown to the public in the city of Zhuhai, bordering Macao, and Macao itself. (Xinhua)

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