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Monday, November 22, 1999, updated at 14:17(GMT+8)
Culture Goddess of Fertility Statues Excavated in Inner Mongolia

Two clay statues of the Goddess of Fertility were excavated in north China's Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region dating back some 5,000 years.

Although one of the statues was severed into two, the head and the body are intact. Two full breasts are visible with both hands placed on the abdomen. The statue dons a cockscomb and there are three holes pierced in both ears.

Only the head remains of the other statue. The hairstyle displays geometrical designs on its cone-shaped head. Two symmetrical curled hair patterns are on the forehead.

The Goddess of Fertility was originally a figure of worship in Chifeng City, where the statues were discovered. Other Goddess of Fertility statues have been excavated, but only fragmentary pieces of the heads remain. (Xinhua)

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